Authentication to the various Office 365 APIs and access points requires some effort. First, we need to create our application. Then we need to assign access to the individual applications. Finally, we need to generate and install a certificate for authentication. Creating the application To create the application, we first need to make our way […]
The Help Desk demo, Part 1–Creating the project
The first step creating a new website, naturally, is to create a new Visual Studio project. In this case, it’ll be a new ASP.NET MVC project built in Visual Studio 2015. I won’t go through the individual steps for creating a new web project, since that information is available in many, many places around the […]
The Help Desk demo
Anyone that has spent any time working with O365 and/or Azure APIs knows that there are thousands and thousands of how-to articles available to read. Those folks also know that most of those articles cover fairly small, easy to consume topics that cover a specific subject matter. However, after some conversations with Vesa Juvonen, it […]
Application hang when executing AuthenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync
Introduction Recently, a fellow Microsoft Premier Field Engineer reached out to me to ask for some assistance in solving a problem that he had encountered while working with a customer that was building an MVC based SharePoint add-in that was attempting to access Azure Active Directory via the Azure Graph API. The customer had code […]
Sharing a SharePoint Online calendar via iCalendar
Introduction For those of you that follow my blog, you may have caught that I’ve been doing some work lately migrating a non-profit organization to the Office 365/Azure platform, which includes SharePoint Online. As with many SharePoint environments, this non-profit depends heavily on calendars. The non-profit has various levels of leadership and membership and each […]
Getting started with the Azure Active Directory Graph Client Library
Background Microsoft has recently released the Azure Active Directory Graph Client Library for .NET. This library wraps up the Azure Active Directory Graph API, making it much simpler to use for .NET developers. I’ve been working with a non-profit lately in their Office 365 environment and we’ve been building an application that delegates user management […]